Idag har vi besøg af den super søde, talentfulde blogger Erica fra bloggen "Cannella Vita".
På regnvejrsdage bladrer vi altid forbi Erica's blog for inspiration og et indblik i en "all american girl" -'s liv.
Dette indlæg vil være på engelsk, da vi synes det var ærgerligt at ødelægge hendes fine fraser ved at oversætte dem til dansk.
Tag godt i mod hende ;)
I realized this week that I just cannot do it all, so I will choose to do what I can, fabulously."
-- Clinton Kelly
Hello everyone, my name is Erica, I am 16 years old, have a passion for baking, and run my own little blog called Cannella Vita (cannella-vita.blogspot.com). I feel so honored to be featured on Liva and Lulu's lovely blog today. I am going to share with you a few little words of wisdom and a quick and easy little recipe today. Hope you enjoy :)
In school, I've heard a lot of pep-talks. From teachers, coaches, mentors, etc. They all go along the lines of "work hard," "always do your best," "never give up."
I am a firm believer in all of these things, and I take pride in doing my best and really putting my heart into things that I care about. However, I've realized is that no matter how hard I work, it is physically impossible to do it all. And that's OK.
Moderation is a tough concept to grapple with, especially for a young person like me. I want to learn things, I want to be able to do things, and I want to understand things. And I'm impatient.
In Japanese, there's this word, tekitou. In English, it translates to "halfhearted." However, to me, the word means quite the opposite. "Halfhearted" has such a negative connotation. To me, tekitou means doing the things that I love and care about wholeheartedly, and in regard to living a balanced life (and not driving myself totally crazy), not sweating the little details in all of the other things I have to do, and remembering that not everything has to be picture perfect.
So onto the recipe, there's nothing quite like homemade pastry. But ask anyone who has rolled out their own puff pastry -- it's an ordeal and a half. Ain't nobody got time for that.
Sometime's it's OK to cut a few corners. Especially in the baking world. Like for instance, (this is for all of you food bloggers and avid bakers out there), how many times have you actually taken butter out of the fridge an hour before baking to let it "soften to room temperature? I've never done this (except for the one time I simply forgot to put it back in the fridge after buttering my toast). I always just give the stick a 30 second zap in the microwave. Tekitou.
I'm always in the mood for some buttery, flaky, Nutella-swirled goodness. And although I am often in the mood to play with dough as well, my schedule doesn't always allow for making homemade puff pastry.
Here's a quick-and-dirty little recipe for beautiful, Nutella twist pastries. They look like I slaved for hours over them -- rolling and folding puff pastry. They taste all insane, buttery and chocolatey, and take minutes to twist together. Win win win. I finished my math homework, and got to make these awesome little twists of goodness. Tekitou.
1 box frozen puff pastry (thawed)
1 egg
powdered sugar for dusting
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and set aside.
Roll out your defrosted puff pastry into a 2mm thick long, rectangular shape. Spread a thin, even layer of Nutella onto the pastry. Roll the puff pastry up jelly-roll style from the long end.
Using a sharp knife, slice the roll in half vertically, exposing all of those layers of Nutella. Cut each half into fourths.
Hold one piece of puff pastry from both ends and start twisting it, turning each hand in opposite directions until you have a tall spiral shape. Hold one end of the strip in place with a finger, and roll the rest of the spiral around it until you get a small spiral. Tuck in the last end underneath the pastry, making sure you do so tightly so it won't uncurl during the baking process.
Repeat with the other sheet of puff pastry. Place each spiral about 3 inches apart from one another on the prepared baking sheet.
Lightly brush each pastry with beaten egg. Bake in the preheated oven for 14-18 minutes, or, until the puff pastry has turned into a golden brown.
How were you tekitou today?
With love, Erica
Wow, this is amazing! Such an inspiration! :)
SvarSletOg hvor sejt er det lige, at I har fået en amerikaner "med" på bloggen?
Hilsen Nadja
Årh hvor er du sød! Vi pønser faktisk på at få hende med på bloggen lidt mere, så vi netop for noget internationalt med på bloggen!
SvarSletBedste hilsner
Fedt! Jeg krydser fingre, og glæder mig!